Videos are getting more popular on mobile.
You might have the very best looking video made by professionals using all the right equipment and then edited to include the most amazing effects. That is all well and good, but unless the video is really selling your business using these video marketing tips, it may all be wasted effort. It is really about as useful as a colourful and attractive business card without your name or contact details.
To be effective, your video must include a clear call to action, must be optimized for Google, should be helping your SEO (search engine optimization) efforts, should be well scripted, it should be driving traffic to your site and therefore generating good leads for you. You should also be keeping some stats and measuring the success of your video.
You may have hired a successful photographer or video maker who knows how to create an attractive and interesting video, but unless he has a real understanding of online video advertising as well so that he is able through the video to enhance your customers’ experience and drive traffic to your site, he is not doing the right thing by you.
YouTube has shown the potential of web video to every small business and now people expect to see a video on your site. But the video must actually be working for you using effective video marketing tips, not just sitting on your site looking pretty.
Videos are now being seen on multiple sites. They are being viewed on Androids, tablets and iPhones and on social media sites. Your videos should be made so they can be viewed on all these types of sites. You have spent time and effort making your videos, or else paid a professional handsomely to make them for you. You don’t want this effort to be wasted by restricting the audience which is going to see your videos.
When you make these videos or have them made, keep in mind where you hope these videos are going to be seen. They are going to be seen not just on a PC or a notebook. You need to keep in mind that the lighting, audio and text in your videos are all geared to be seen by people viewing them on mobile devices as well.
Get your videos seen on many platforms and therefore get more exposure using video marketing tips which means more leads, more sales and more profit for you. Need help in your video marketing efforts? Click here or contact us for a professional video promotion campaign for your business.