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Video Transcript: With video framing, when you’re doing this kind of work, you want to take up the most space in the frame, but you don’t want to take up the whole thing. So the way we shoot Dave’s is, you aim the camera so the top of the frame is the top of the head. Then generally you want to go around, this is called a mid shot, a mid shot like this. Because we don’t have much time to go into great detail about filming and shots and framing and things like that, generally there are three types of shots that you can do.
There’s the wide shot where that basically gives your environment, your context: we’re in a room, we’re in a pool, we’re in a forest, so we get an understanding of where it is. So that tells your audience where we are. The you go into a mid shot which is where most of the action happens, dialogue, people talking, things like that. You would have heard of the two shot, that’s where you have two actors or two participants in the shot. Just like when Dave was doing the interview with Daryl Guppy, that’s a two shot. It’s a mid size two shot. So you just have two people in there and generally it’s from here up, maybe some shoulder, but generally from mid chest up.
Then you go to your close ups. Now close ups are really to display emotion, you want to see the frown on someone’s face, you want to see the tear, you want to see the teeth grit and things like that. It’s a great way to get emotion across if you’re trying to highlight a point. Or throw to someone, you see a close up of someone’s hands gripping or something like that. That will convey meaning very quickly.
But this kind of thing, what we do, we shoot digital video frame in one way, we shoot it a mid shot like this, maybe a little bit lower. Then when we get into the editing, we can digitally zoom in, so we can move back and forth so you get a bit of a close up when you’re illustrating a point or just to provide a bit of variety.
That’s the basics of it. If you’re shooting an internet marketing video, there are many other different types of shots you can do and angles and things like that. It’s the kind of thing you could go and study for three years, you can look up tutorials, things like that. For your purposes, if you’re shooting a video of people or a situation other than you, start with some kind of wide shot and then try to get a mid shot really.
David: To build on what Ben was saying, the way that we do it in the office, Ben will set it up so we’ll go for the widest shot possible and he’ll snap in. So he’ll show you the benefit of that also in the editing process. That’s how it can make it feel like there are multiple cameras when really there is only one camera. It helps making sure in the post phase when we’re doing the editing, making it feel like it’s just one shot.
Ben: Yes, and it is trial and error in online video marketing. If you’re by yourself, you’re going to set it up. If you’ve got an LCD, if you’ve got a screen, flip it around and go, yes, that feels about right. If you’ve got a Flip, set it up, eyeball it, have a guess, press record and then just find out. It’s a feeling, you’ll get a feeling for it, you’ll say, yes, that feels right. You can do it centered if you just want to be stand and deliver. But I find that style, using one third is much more effective.
I hope this video framing tutorial will help improve the quality of your videos. Want to get help in doing this for your business? Contact us today.