No one doubts the value of web video to online businesses. Because it is so important, you need to get it right, and avoiding these common mistakes in creating online business videos that will start to put you ahead of the pack.
Don’t Read the Script
It takes a bit of effort to memorize what you are going to say, but you need to do just that. Reading your script and not facing the viewer in the eye is a big turn off. A good idea is to bullet point the important points and have this on a whiteboard or a sheet of paper out of range of the camera. This will help you deliver your online marketing strategy message fluently and appear as if you are speaking ‘off the cuff’.
Don’t Underplay the Message
Remember that viewers are watching your video not to learn about you, but to find out information which can be of use to them. They want to learn about your products and services only to the extent that these will enhance their lives and help solve their problems. Don’t bore your viewer with your life story – he is just not that interested. Talk about what is of interest to him and forget about you.
Don’t Ignore the Audio
People are often prone to downplay the importance of the audio component of video and just concentrate on the visual when promoting internet marketing products. This is a big mistake, because the message will not come across clearly, if at all, unless you invest in a good microphone and have good clear audio.
Don’t Hide Behind Special Effects
It’s fun to play with all the special effects which are available for video nowadays. However, you need to use these sparingly, as they can overwhelm and distract from your main message. A quality video will have one or two well chosen effects, but the rest will be down to the presenter and the message itself.
Not Too Long
People generally have short attention spans especially when watching online business videos, so anything over two to three minutes is too long for a video usually. Creating something fifteen minutes long needs to be extraordinarily special.
Not Too Much Repetition
Don’t rehash the same material over and over in your videos. Your viewers will be expecting something fresh and new each time they start a video, so keep that content new.
Avoid Small Text
You should be using small amounts of well placed text in your online business videos, but make sure the font is not too small. It is also important that the text stays on screen for a sufficient length of time for the viewer to write down any details they need to. They won’t want to have to rewind to find a URL or email address they’re interested in.
Creating online business videos is easy if you know what your target audience wants. Click here for more detailed information. You can also contact our team at Melbourne Video Production for expert video assistance today.