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Video Transcript: The last thing so that’s our finished product, it’s ready to go, Dave’s given it the tick of approval, it’s uploaded. So now is about getting it back out of the editing software. This is where the minefield can begin; it’s really easy with iMovie though to get footage out and then get it up there. So what we do, we go to share, you have a bunch of tools. You’ve got export movie. You can go to YouTube, you can go straight to YouTube and it will ask you what size you want to do and things like that. You can also export it using Quicktime, so into a Quicktime movie file.
Generally what we do is just do ‘export movie’ and it comes out as an M4V which will play in iTunes. Then we go and convert in other software. Ultimately I think if you’re just using this, I would go and export it using Quicktime. The reason I wouldn’t go straight to YouTube is you never know how many applications you want for this video. YouTube is one thing.
When I make videos for viral video marketing campaigns, I record it in the highest definition I can, the highest quality from our video production equipment, because my clients say, I want to put it on my website. Six months later they say, can you make a DVD out of that? I say, oh, well, I’ve got to go and redo it all. If I’ve got a master file in the highest resolution possible, then it can be used in other applications. So for us, we’re going to use Quicktime and we’ll call it Viral vers Branded. We’ll put it on the desktop so it’s easier to finally upload it.
Now it will have default settings which you can use. I’ll just run you into these really quickly, what happens if you go into options. Now the things you need to worry about here generally are just setting size and you can play around with the sound. If we go into settings, you see on the right hand side here, this is telling you what it’s going to be doing, how it’s going to be exporting at the moment.
The compression is H.264. H.264 is the most widely recognized used video compression especially moving forward. It’s a very good codec, that’s what it’s called a codec because it compresses things but it also keeps a high level of quality. It’s like the Tower of Babel, There are lots and lots of different codecs and ways to do things. A safe bet is H.264 that’s why it defaults to it. That’s the engine behind YouTube as well, that’s what they use and it’s governed by a body that’s always trying to improve it as well.
If you do need to change it around, you go in here, you’ve got these different choices, mp4, all that kind of thing. We’ll just leave it at that. If you want to find out more, just have a chat with me in the break about things like that. And YouTube.
David: If you search on YouTube, just about any question you’ve got, someone has created a tutorial to explain it. So it’s a good place.
Ben: Generally it will default to the current frame rate, that’s the frame rate at which the camera recorded the information. Really you don’t need to change anything. Just say you want to do a little test, say, I’m not ready to publish, I want to test what it looks like. You might do it at a lower quality. But generally leave it best quality multi pass which means it will go through it a few times when it’s encoding it, high resolution.
Steve, I know you wanted to know about this, the right things to do for streaming on the internet. Generally this will be fine. If you need to play around with it, you start to restrict it here in the data rate. I wouldn’t go much lower than eight hundred, you want to go as high as possible. Around twelve hundred is great but if you’re in a situation where it has to be really restricted, if you’re hosting on your own site or something, but generally if you’re hosting it on YouTube, you can do it a higher rate because it is a bigger server.
David: To build on this, a couple of things. Ben, being the video guy, when he exports out, he goes under Quicktime area. For me, I don’t understand a lot of these settings as well as he does. What I do is I go into export as movie and you’ll see that’s another way you can do it in iMovie and everything is preset for you. Just for now, when you do it this way that Ben is talking about, it’s best just to sit on those standards. Then I use the export movie and you can set size and a few other different options.
As Ben said, always export out at the highest quality and then later on, when we get to the tools section, Rob’s going to talk a little bit about the way they encode videos for the 30-Day Challenge or thechallenge.co now and he uses encoding.com. Basically it’s an in the Cloud encoder where you upload your large size video and then you select what it is that you want that output for. You might select YouTube, you might select iPhone, you might select streaming on the web, you can select a whole lot of things. That’s a really good way to go as well.
As Ben said, for YouTube in this particular example, it’s better just to export out higher because YouTube is going to re encode it anyway and it’s going to be in a good quality thing. For me personally, not being the video guy, you either get a really star player video guy or just export it out at the highest quality and let the servers do it.
Just for timing wise, I know Rob we’ll go into in the tools section, if you could maybe spend some time in the tools section and we’ll talk about that particular site specifically.
These are just some of the things you can follow if you are thinking of exporting videos for your small business. Click here if you are looking for a professional team to help you with your own videos.