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Video Transcript: Now keywords, this is where you throw in the actual keywords you want to target for this particular group. Hopefully, as Dave mentioned before, you’ve done all this keyword research tips which we’ll talk about a bit more. I won’t go too much into that now. You can basically work out which keywords you want to target for this group. Let’s just for an example call it Physiotherapy Hampton, Physiotherapy St Kilda, on and on for this particular group because we are going to target the actual area.
There are a couple of different ways you can put your target keywords in the group. There are three ways. There is just what’s called broad, which is Physiotherapy Hampton. What this means is that you’re telling Google, I’m willing to bid on any terms that you think are relevant to physiotherapy Hampton, not that phrase exactly.
Google will say they think physiotherapy and chiropractic are the same. So someone in Google says chiropractic services in Hampton, your ad might show up, even though you’re not that specific. So I always say avoid broad. All broad means is putting the term in just like this. What you want to do is put talking marks around it. It’s what is referred to as phrase match. What you’re saying to Google here is, I want my ad to show up anytime physiotherapy Hampton is in the search phrase in that order. So if somebody searches the best physiotherapy Hampton, my ad will show up, because you’ve got physiotherapy Hampton in that order, physiotherapy Hampton and then a street name, maybe, it’ll show up.
If I put square brackets around it though [physiotherapy Hampton], what it’s basically saying to Google is, I only want to bid when people search that exact phrase in that exact way, physiotherapy in those unique words, no other variants around it. So if someone searched the best physiotherapy Hampton, and I only bid on that word, my ad would not show because it didn’t have best in it. So you always want to remove any use of the phrase match otherwise you are going to get so many impressions that are irrelevant.
Question: How would you write it in if you wanted physio and physiotherapy? Is there a way that you can write physio in with a star or a wild card?
Pete: No, I would do this. I would go physio Hampton as a separate phrase. You want to be as targeted as you can. Does this make sense so far? So I won’t dump in all the keywords I’d do in this particular group. Technically if I had the time, I’d probably create different groups for Hampton versus St Kilda. So you target the ad a bit more specifically as well. But just for this example, we’ll just do this.
We can click estimated search traffic which is not a great level result. It’s saying here there are not enough searches in that particular five kilometer radius for those terms to give you some rough data. But again, it doesn’t really matter because if you only get five searches a day and you rank number one in AdWords and you get four clicks, you’ve got a success. It’s not about the most.
Question: Do you have to put them in talking marks or in brackets?
Pete: Yes, because if you leave it without the brackets, if I just put in the physio Hampton, that’s what Google class as broad match. So they class them as three completely different keywords. So broad match will show up for chiro Hampton, because broad is basically saying, I’m being lazy. Google, you do the work for me. Google is doing this to make money so they’re going to show anything they think is relevant. If you put the speaking marks around it, it says this is the phrase. So it will show up for anything with the long tail either side of that, and then the square brackets is the exact. So you’ve got to put them in separately. If you just leave it broad, you’re going to get so many impressions of irrelevant traffic. So don’t do that at all. The only time I ever do that, just to give you a bit of a disclaimer, if I’m starting a campaign for the very first time. I might, for two or three days, put in broad match just to see what Google thinks my site’s about, what is relevant, see what other keywords are possible. With the Analytics data, which you’ll see in the video I’ll send you guys later, you can track what keywords are being searched.
So you can say, I’m going to bid on broad here. But then coming through Analytics data, it might show you that you’re getting traffic for chiro Hampton. You can decide, do I want that traffic or not. You can then turn it off or start bidding on it because it’s going to be cheaper as well. Does that make sense?
I hope this quick video will encourage you to do your own keyword research and use these target keywords to reach out to your customers. Do you need additional help in creating eye catching videos around those keywords? Get in touch with our team today.