How-to video, also known as instructional video is a great way to boost your online presence. By means of some well-made, well-scripted how- to videos, you will increase traffic and those all-important sales.
Increase Your Credibility And Authenticity
The greatest fear of anyone wanting to do business online is that the marketer will simply disappear into the bowels of the internet and they will never see their money again. It is easy to remain faceless and anonymous on the internet.
However with some well thought out how-to videos, you will not only be able to educate your customer about something he is interested in, you will also show him that you are a real and genuine person who can be trusted to deliver on his promises. You can look your prospective customer in the eye and demonstrate beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are a legitimate business and you know exactly what you’re talking about.
You also set yourself up as a credible leader in your industry and the go-to guy for information that may not be able to be readily found elsewhere.
How -To Videos For Every Business
It doesn’t matter what business you are in, you can make a series of how to videos that explains something your customer will want to know. You are a butcher – explain what the best cuts of meat are for particular dishes. Tell them what organic meat is. Demonstrate using an instructional video how to look for the very best cut of meat.
You may be a hairdresser. Make a how to video to explain how your client should look after her hair between visits to your salon. Tell her how to choose the right style for her particular face shape. Show her the way to care for her type of hair – short, long, straight, curly- and what types of products to use.
There really is no limit to the types of how- to videos which would appeal to a wide audience.
Extra Reasons To Make How -Tos
Videos are great for SEO. Just optimize your how to videos in the same way you do for your website with some well chosen keyword phrases. Optimized video sites get more traffic.
Don’t forget to upload your instructional video to other sites besides your own website. There are scores of video sites out there, including well known ones like YouTube, Vimeo, and Daily Motion. Social media sites shouldn’t be forgotten either.
Make your instructional video count, and let your target market see the best about your business. Want more tips on how to do that? Click here. You can also contact our team of video production experts for more information on how to do it best for your business.